It has been learnt from the well-placed sources that recently on request of the Ministry of National Food Security & Research, it was agreed that China would urgently initiate the process of potato import from Pakistan after fulfilling the SPS requirements. China imports approximately 1million metric ton of potato of various varieties from different countries. This news that China desires to import Pakistani potato has been hailed by all potato exporters of PFVA as it would have pronounced positive impact on the following:
1. Growers
Pakistan has bumper crops of potato this year having substantial surplus quantity for export. Had this unique opportunity been not surfaced, the growers would have no other option but to bury the huge surplus quantity in ground sustaining huge financial losses. This would have led to the following negative effects on growers:
? The Growers getting demoralized would not grow potato next year resulting in acute shortage and thus GoP may have to import Potato to make up deficiency adding further burden on depleting foreign exchange reserve.
? The Growers would seriously consider switching over to some other business or go for other paying crops less potato, creating serious shortage of this demanding vegetable and making it expensive for the common man.
2. Exporters
Since huge quantity of surplus Potato is available, the exporters would not face any issue for meeting demand from China, being a huge market, compared to supply of the same .This simply means export of Potato would enhance substantially which would be beneficial for the growers getting good price while the GoP would earn valuable foreign exchange desperately needed to reshape our economy.
In view of the above it is requested that the GoPmay kindly initiate prompt necessary action for inviting the Chinese quarantine team for compliance of SPS formalities so that promising potential of this big market can be effectively tapped which is certainly in line with the Primer’s sincere desire to enhance export of this sector .
Thanks in advance for your consistent support and we look forward hearing favourableresponse to our genuine request keeping the national interest in view
Abdul Malik