Congressional Hearing on Wednesday – A Red Flag for Pakistan
Listen to my Suggestions with due diligence and care – –
By: Professor Dr. Gholam Mujtaba, MS, MD, Ed.D.
Senior Republican & Chairman Pakistan Policy Institute USA
Congressional hearing on Pakistani elections is to be held at the Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

What is likely to happen after a Congress hearing on Pakistan Elections are over?
A transcript of the testimony taken at a hearing will be made available for inspection in the committee office, and frequently the complete transcript is printed and distributed by the committee. After hearings are completed, a bill will be considered in a session that is popularly known as the “mark-up” session.
What is the point of this hearing it in the Congress?
Of the four methods of hearings, this may broadly be classified as investigative. The other three are, legislative, oversight and presidential nominations.
Investigative Hearing
An investigative hearing involves allegations of wrongdoings.
The chances of putting a bill in case of substantial evidence of rigging in the Pakistani elections, the steps to follow will be:
- Step 1: The bill is drafted. …
- Step 2: The bill is introduced. …
- Step 3: The bill goes to committee. …
- Step 4: Subcommittee review of the bill. …
- Step 5: Committee markup of the bill. …
- Step 6: Voting by the full chamber on the bill. …
- Step 7: Referral of the bill to the other chamber. …
- Step 8: The bill goes to the president.
Legislative Process
First, a representative sponsor a bill. The bill is then assigned to a committee for study. If released by the committee, the bill is put on a calendar to be voted on, debated or amended. If the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435), the bill moves to the Senate.
My Opinion on the subject
I believe, there is enough evidence to establish tampering of election results by the ECP (Election Commission of Pakistan). The oversight of the superior court establishes partisan bias leading to a pre-poll arrangement allegedly orchestrated by the interim government. - Point of Concern
The U.S. Congress is undoubtedly resolute in the promotion of justice and democracy across the continents. It may find electoral irregularities, however there is a need to be careful in promoting a PTI orchestrated conspiracy theory whose objectives are to hurt national security priorities.
Underlying Phenomenon
The PTI leadership had blamed the United States and Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lou in facilitating a regime change in the country, though there doesn’t exist any truth in these allegations.
However, using the current irregularities in elections done by the interim government and the election commission of Pakistan, a case has been built up to rally behind the conspiracy theory of regime change. This is counterproductive to U.S. Pakistan strategic relationship in the region.
As such, this is likely to promote anti-U.S. sentiments in the region and trigger hate against U.S. national security interests.
“Cipher-story” was simply a brainchild of U.S. haters hitting two targets with a single bullet, rally popular support for Imran Khan and damage U.S. influence in the region.
Crux of the Issue
The Congress will be moved to table a bill which is likely to pass the floor. The punitive measures may include one of the following:
- Sanctions on future civil and military aid to Pakistan.
- Denying the recognition of a government formed against the popular mandate through “computer-app”.
Critical Issue
There is a price to pay if the results were tampered.
We stand resolute in implementing rule of law and justice. The Interim government and the Election Commission of Pakistan should take the responsibility of having failed in conducting honest elections, thereby exonerating the fingers pointed towards the role of military leadership alleged by the foes of Pakistan, though there doesn’t exist a single evidence to prove military’s role in rigging the polls.
However, if evidence surface with undeniable proof of forged electoral results, the resignations of ECP and the Chief Justice would pacify the situation at world stage. Furthermore, the the current fake government should voluntarily resign in the larger national security interest of Pakistan, otherwise it is dead-end.
It is advised that the army should stay out of this controversy as there is no evidence of their involvement.
An action is required before the evidence over-flood in investigations.
Someone is playing DUMB in Pakistan.
Fix these dumb planners who ruined the country at global stage.