Karachi: Expressing grave concern over the worsening economic conditions of working classes, Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor here Monday said that neck break food inflation and rampant joblessness have squeezed the working class families.
He said today when we are observing the Labor Day, there is nothing to cherish about in our country regarding the betterment of workers. He said the government is pathetic when it is the matter of giving facilities to the poor people. He said more than fifty percent population of Pakistan lives beneath the poverty line, but the elite class politicians are busy amassing their personal wealth.

He said deadly debt trap has strangulated the Pakistani economy. He said dollarization of economy is the biggest curse for the third world countries like Pakistan. He said like Brazil and Argentina we should also shun the dollarization of economy and do international trade also in other currencies, especially the Chinese Yuan.
Altaf Shakoor demanded universal social security for all citizens including the workers. He asked for local manufacturing of all goods that are being imported now. He said solarisation of Pakistan is a must for getting rid of costly imported fuel.
He expressed complete solidarity with the working classes and said that his party would continue to raise strong voice on the issues of workers.