Wafaqi Mohtasib(Ombudsman), Ejaz Ahmed Qureshi accompanied by Secretary Wafaqi Mohtasib Ejaz Ahmed visited Wafaqi Mohtasib’s regional office Karachi thursday to review performance and evaluation of the regional office. Senior advisor and Regional Incharge, Wafaqi Mohtasib’s Secretariat Karachi briefed the Mohtasib about the status of investigations, the monthly disposal report of complaints, budget allocation and overall position of vacant and filled posts.
He was apprised the disposal of Agency wise percentage of complaints w.e.f 1st January,2022 onwards had been 5461 cases. The Mohtasib was informed about the challenges and issues of Regional office while investigating and implementing the decisions. Mr. Qureshi expressed his complete support to implement the decisions of Mohtasib.
He expressed his satisfaction over the performance of the regional office of Mohtasib Secretariat Karachi and motivated the management and staff of the region by saying that the service they had been doing is not only service but a cause of human kind. He further said that the redressal of the complaints of affected citizens would always give you immense pleasure in the form of prayers by the complainants who knock the doors of Mohtasib after having no other option available.
Underscoring the importance of awareness among masses regarding Wafaqi Mohtasib, Mr. Qureshi said that media should play its part in awaring the public regarding their rights and redressal of their complaints. For this purpose, he directed the Regional Incharge to make all efforts to publicise the Wafaqi Mohtasib’s role in complaints redressal so that maximum number of people could be benefited. The Mohtasib offices set up in far fledged areas like Quetta are giving very positive result in public complaints redressal, he further said.
Wafaqi Mohtasib emphasied on the early implementation of the decisions of Mohtasib and said that monitoring committee has been set up in Islamabad for relevant agencies to ensure redressal of the complaints.
Later on, Wafaqi Mohtasib, Ejaz Qureshi visited the office, met the staff and enquired their issues. He ensured them that every possible effort would be made to resolve the genuine issues of employees.