KARACHI – The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), to support Digital Transformation (DX) in its’ regulated sector, has issued “draft Cloud Adoption Guidelines for Incorporated Companies” to solicit feedback from all stakeholders.
The guidelines provide an easy and efficient procedure for transition to cloud computing. Companies will be able to get a clear understanding of the risks and benefits involved in moving to cloud compared to traditional computing solutions.
Cloud offers a convenient, on demand access to a shared pool of resources such as servers, storage, and applications, over the Internet. Looking ahead into the future of cloud computing and industry’s most intriguing trends, cloud computing has proved to be very useful in different sectors in terms of better resource utilization, scalability, business continuity, improved collaboration and speed to market etc. It provides computing resources with higher reliability at a reduced cost.
The SECP’s draft of Cloud Adoption Guidelines is in compliance with the draft Pakistan Cloud First Policy (PCFP) 2021, issued by Ministry of IT & Telecommunication. Feedback on draft Guidelines can be provided at cloud.feedback@secp.gov.pk
till August 13, 2021. The draft Guidelines are available at https://www.secp.gov.pk/laws/draft-for-discussion/public-comments-on-drafts/