Majyd Aziz, Former President, South Asian Forum of Employers (SAFE), has termed SAFE as significant for regional business, said that the significance of South Asian Business Forum (SAFE) for business in the South Asia region was undeniable and its Members must continue to forge a solid mutually beneficial position and share essential expertise among them. Moreover, the Member organizations need to develop a strategic plan to move forward, especially after the disruption caused by the Pandemic crisis. He was presiding over the SAFE meeting in Kuala Lumpur.
Majyd Aziz, who was the first-ever elected President of SAFE, stressed the need for building future connections and reaping the benefits of working on one platform. He added that until now, SAFE was financially supported by the Dutch Employer’s Cooperation Programme, but after it was merged with PUM of Netherlands, the support dynamics changed but he was confident that there were ways and means to find financial resources for the sustainability of SAFE. He strongly urged the Forum’s continuation and effective use, as well as adding value for a win-win situation for Member countries.
Majyd Aziz, who is also Former President of Employers Federation of Pakistan, was accompanied by EFP Assistant Secretary General Rabiya Anwer, said that EFP is willing to host the next Annual Meeting of SAFE in Karachi and assured the Members that all efforts would be undertaken to make the event a success. He recalled that the 7th SAFE Meeting was also held in Karachi that was appreciated by all who attended the event.
Majyd then proposed the name of Alok Bansidhar Shriram, President of All India Organization of Employers as President SAFE for 2023-24. Vajira Ellepola, Secretary General of Employers Federation of Ceylon, proposed the name of Ardashir Kabir, President of Bangladesh Employers Federation as Vice President SAFE for 2023-24. Both nominations were unanimously approved.
He highly complimented the role of Farooq Ahmed, Secretary General BEF and Coordinator SAFE Affairs, for organizing this meeting and for hosting the dinner. He stated that Farooq Ahmed has been his mentor and advisor since 2017 and appreciated his pro-active role at SAFE, IOE and ILO platforms. Farooq Ahmed, in his introductory remarks, stated there was a need for a collective sub-regional voice that was strongly felt particularly during the International Labor Conferences held every year in Geneva. He also recalled the leadership displayed by Former SAFE President Majyd Aziz, and others, who had, and are working sincerely for SAFE. He also thanked DECP for supporting SAFE since its formation.
The SAFE meeting was attended by the Members of the Employers and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) from the South Asia region namely, All India Organization of Employers (AIOE), Employers’ Federation of India (EFI), Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FNCCI-EC), Employers’ Federation of Pakistan (EFP), Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC) and Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF). Representatives from Afghanistan and Maldives were unable to attend.