Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has said that the system of cruelty and injustice makes a person a slave.
According to the details, PTI Chairman Imran Khan while talking in a Zoom meeting said that tomorrow we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Pakistan in a grand way. Will be welcomed in a good manner.
Imran Khan said that the purpose of this Jashan Azadi program is that we got one freedom 75 years ago, that was freedom from British slavery, but we still have a long way to go for real freedom. I will tell you tomorrow. What do we have to do to actually become free?
He said that there are three types of slavery; One is mental slavery, one is neo-colonialism, that is, a country takes over your country without conquering it, and the third slavery is a system of cruelty and injustice that enslaves people. Justice is liberating whereas injustice enslaves people.
He said that there is a famous saying of Hazrat Ali (RA) about injustice that the system of disbelief will go but the system of cruelty and injustice cannot. Fear makes a man a coward and a man can never do anything great unless he completely overcomes his fear.
Imran Khan said that the regime was changed in Pakistan as a result of a foreign conspiracy and our government was removed. Those who did this conspiracy believed that the party would now be completely destroyed.
He said that historical inflation is going on today, but are TV channels talking about inflation? The media was also involved in the conspiracy.
He said that the first shock to these conspirators was that the public took to the streets, the second was that the public reacted strongly to the fact that thieves were given the government and the third was that the government collapsed the economy. We won the by-election on July 17 despite all the rigging. After all this they are very nervous, they have now moved on to their plan C to give me a tactical knockout.
“All parties except PTI have become family parties”
Chairman PTI said that if you see the long-term planning of these thieves, it is that first they should be tough, then by propaganda something will be brought out about me and after that someone will come and make a deal that Imran Khan The ban will be removed only when Nawaz Sharif is disqualified. This is such a terrible plan. All parties except PTI have become family parties.
“I will never trade my conscience”
Imran Khan said, “Allah blessed me with a status in cricket that few people get, then I started fundraising and then came into politics.” Allah has made man the best of creatures, so we should not be afraid of anyone. I have no fear, I will not trade my conscience because I also have to answer to Allah.
“I have a problem with fake news”
He said that in three and a half years, I was not afraid of the media that there would be any bad news about me because I have not made any mistake like corruption in my life. News should not spread about me.
Imran Khan said that Tehreek-e-Insaf Punjab has done all the work for the flood that has occurred in Balochistan, the whole party cannot do anything about it because it is such a big area that it is very difficult for one party to fix everything. Yes, the entire government can do this well.
“Our enemies are trying to fight our army”
He said that at present the whole campaign is being conducted to fight Tehreek-e-Insaaf with the army, I say again that this is a dangerous campaign. It was also written in Indian and Western newspapers that earlier Imran Khan is the thinnest of the army because those people wanted to fight us. Our enemies did not like that the army was with us.
“Our justice system must be strong”
Imran Khan further said that remember that our justice system should be strong, this is the attempt of the corrupt gang to buy the court, corrupt people will never let the independent judiciary live because in the country where the judiciary is strong, there is corruption. No, and where there is corruption, there is no powerful judiciary.