Book Launch of ‘CHINA LEADS’ Highlights China’s Remarkable Journey to Global Leadership.

Karachi: Book Launch of CHINA LEADS on May9, 2024 The Karachi Council on Foreign Relations (KCFR) organized book launch of ‘CHINA LEADS’ by Dr Junaid Ahmad at a local hotel in Karachi. The function was attended by a large number of book lovers. Mr. Yang Yundong the Consul General of People’s Republic of China was the Chief Guest.

The program was chaired by Ms Nadira Panjwani, Chairperson of KCFR. The book was reviewed by three eminent scholars which included: 1) Amb (R) Hasan Javed a former ambassador of Pakistan having served in China twice and author of many books on China; 2) Mian Shaukat Hussain, an eminent businessman dealing with China for the last 50 years; and 3) Prof Dr Athar Ahmed, an expert in international marketing and Dean of Greenwich University.

The audience was informed that China Leads is perhaps the first book of its type which has brought to light the fact that only the Chinese civilization and the Chinese language embodies in it wisdom and knowledge of over 5,000 years. In its entire history, China has never attacked any country. It has only defended itself from many aggressors throughout its history.

Chairman Mao had inherited a Country in 1949 which had been destroyed by the invaders and in the civil war. He embarked on making China achieve its rightful place in the comity of nations and made China a nuclear power in 1964, only 15 years after independence. After Mao’s death in 1976, Deng Xiaoping took command changing the direction towards a market economy.

His successors Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping have continued on the same path making China now lead the World in almost all fields of human endeavor. The audience was informed that the book contains details of achievements of China in all productive and social sectors alongwith comparing them with five other similar size countries including Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and India. The contribution of China towards other countries post-independence in 1949 to present have been discussed in detail.

Dr Junaid Ahmad, the author informed that there are over 400 references taken from credible sources aimed at assisting the future students and researchers on China. He thanked the KCFR, the Chinese Consul General, the reviewers and the audience. He also responded to various questions raised by the audience.

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