On 7 Muharram; the youngest child martyred in the battle of Karbala was Hazrat Ali Asghar, who was the son of Imam Hussain and Bibi Umm e Rubab. It was very hot and there was no water for anyone who was with Imam for three days (72 hours).
When all the companions and family members of Imam Hussain were martyred, he called out, “Is there anyone to help me” on his call, he heard the voice of a crying baby from the tent. Imam Hussain came into the tent, Bibi Zainab said, “Oh my brother Hussain! since Asghar heard your call he didn’t stopped crying”. Imam Hussain said, “Bring him to me I will take him and see if he can get some water”. Bibi Rubab brought Ali Asghar from his crib, kissed him and said goodbye.

Imam Hussain picked up his son with parched throat with thirst and took him to the battlefield. Imam Hussain spoke to the soldiers of Yazid, “I am here on the invitation of your people to preach you the principles of Islam and you betrayed us, denying us even water. According to your judgment if I have sinned by not accepting Yazid, my son is just infant, he has not committed any sin, look how thirsty he is, his lips are dry cannot even open his eyes, give him some water, he has not harmed anyone.
Imam Hussain then turned to Ali Asghar and said, “Show them your thirst”, the little baby start turning his tongue on his dry parched lips. Some of the soldiers began to openly weep on sight. But Umar Saad turn to Hurmula and said, “Kill the words of Hussain” (Iqtal kallamul Hussain). Hurmula an expert archer but a heartless picked up his bow & arrow and aimed at Ali Asghar, it was three pronged arrow, thrice heavier than his own weight that pierced Ali Asghar’s throat.

Imam Hussain bent forward to protect his son but the arrow went straight to his throat pinning it down to Imam Hussain’s arm. Ali Asghar smiled and those who saw his smile, turned in to shame and the baby got killed. Imam Hussain filled out his hands with the blood of his son and wiped it on his face. He looked at the sky and said that on the Day of Judgment, I will appear with this face and will ask for justice. This was the hardest and heart wrenching time from 7 Muharram.
It is said that whatever we eat or drink is the sadqah of Ali Asghar. Because on 7 Muharram, if Imam Hussain had let the blood drop on the soil, no crops would have ever grown till the end. And if he had thrown it towards the sky, not a single drop of rain would ever have fallen on the Earth.
Imam Hussain started walking towards the tent, where mother of Ali Asghar, Ume Rubab was anxiously waiting for his son. Imam Hussain thought, “How will I face Ume Rubab? How can I tell her that her baby was martyred without water”? Imam Hussain didn’t have enough courage, he stepped forward and then backward 7 times saying “Inna Lillahi Waa Inna Ilaihi Rajioon”. Finally he reached the tent where Bibi Um e Rubab was waiting.
Imam Hussain said, “Who I am?”
Bibi Um e Rubab replied, “My imam”.
Imam Hussain said, “Promise me you will do Sabr”.
Bibi Um e Rubab replied,” I promise I will do”.
Imam Hussain said, “Take your child”.
Bibi Um e Rubab cried and replied “Are even babies of this age killed?”.
Then Imam Hussain dug a small grave with his sword Zulfiqar and buried Ali Asghar in the hot sand. And said “he is my last gem, oh Allah accept his sacrifice for Islam”. There was no water to sprinkle on the grave of Ali Asghar; Imam Hussain sat crying by the grave, his tears were poured on Ali Asghar’s grave.

Imam Hussain knew that once he is killed, Yazid’s army will detach the heads from the bodies and will lift them up on spears. He didn’t want the head of 6 months old on spear, however that heartless army didn’t even spared him, they specifically looked for his grave and lift his head on a spear. It was the most innocent head from all of them.