From honor killing to ceasing to get education women in Pakistan has faced enormous problems one after another, in our society and in my elusive research I have carefully highlighted the issues women in our society go through which are in any way not futile Being in a developing country and seeing women in the 21st century treated less important to men and not getting the status they deserve is what makes the news every other day In headlines. Let’s look at the recent event of Khalil ur Rehman and Marvin sarmad how they kept talking poison about each other on TV channels. In my opinion, the problem lies deep in our understanding of what exactly women empowerment is and empowered women should be.
Quaid-e-Azam once said that “Empower your women but not in the western way” no doubt he had a vision of the next many years to come; everything taken from the west is accepted in our society with open arms.
Firstly, the biggest issue our society faces towards women is of keeping them away from much needed the education they deserve which gives them the option to empower themselves. We as a society must not forget of great women Hazrat Khadija (First wife of Holy Prophet S.A.W) who was not just more educated than Holy Prophet but also more involved in business and had more financial stability than her husband which represents that all these restrictions we have gotten our women into are not from religion but are made by a society which we cover-up in the name of religion.
Secondly, another worldwide and especially in Pakistani society faced issue to women is harassment at workplace for women unfortunately, its truth that adult entertainment is the only industry where women are paid more than men on average. Killing women in the name of honor are nothing new in societies like ours if we trace the issue back to old times we see that females were buried alive just for being born in the family who didn’t wish for it and rather than addressing these issues at such high podiums, our feminist groups are prioritizing whether same-sex marriages should be allowed or women should be approved to wear inadequate dresses.
The ideology of feminism we endeavor to get from the west and apply to our society is utter shame and a disgrace to our decision making people who blindly support such causes because it’s applicable and applauded in the west but they do forget it’s the only Muslim country made in the name of Islam out of nearly 50.
Other than above mentioned there are many more to discuss issues regarding women which needs to be dealt with to make our women more empowered and confident upon being part of society like us. People hold different opinions from banning women wearing short clothes to give them the freedom to whatever they ask for but unfortunately somewhere in between we seem to lose balance to keep which makes matters just and acceptable by all.
I don’t speak against empowering women but I do not reject the idea of safeguarding our women at workplaces and making them progress on the same criteria we apply for our men so she has no feeling of inferiority complex.
On the other hand, I believe women at themselves need to understand the responsibility of idealizing the right people and let go off the people who provoke their sentiments in the name of sexism and show them the golden Feminism of the west which works on such societies and nearly impossible to countries like ours. In the end while concluding I would just emphasize upon finding the right balance and temperature to keep the matters in hand and under control by providing the right awareness of women empowerment in the light of Islam and spreading awareness in women to stand up for the rights which they deserve and not what they believe they want.