AIDS is a deadly, deadly disease caused by a specific virus called HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Our body’s immune system is a wonderful gift from God that protects us from all kinds of germs, but unfortunately HIV attacks our immune system and makes it so weak that there comes a time. It becomes completely useless and the body comes to the mercy of external enemies on a permanent basis. In Pakistan, men are more likely to be infected with HIV than women, and the majority of those infected are between the ages of 20 and 44.
The virus actually destroys or kills white blood cells, causing the patient to become infected with AIDS. When the process of killing these cells begins in the body, at first the patient appears to be healthy, but inside the body’s immune system is becoming ineffective and this condition persists for a long time. AIDS usually infects a patient within two to ten years or more of being infected with the virus. And the main causes of the virus entering the body are asexuality, body fluids and infected mothers (causing the virus to be transmitted to the genome).
Other causes include unsafe blood transfusions, non-surgical instruments, multiple use of syringes, and tattoos on the skin. Symptoms include fever, diarrhea, loss of appetite for more than a month, weight loss, chronic cough, pneumonia, large red spots on the body, flu or more. Influenza, which does not go away for months and can cause symptoms such as lumps appearing in different parts of the body.
If a person has any of these symptoms, they should contact a qualified physician or any HIV clinic immediately. Blood tests are done immediately to diagnose AIDS, although no vaccine has yet been discovered for effective treatment, but there are modern and effective drugs available that can slow the growth of the virus in the body. Falls. Therefore, treatment and precautionary measures are inevitable.
Prevention of sexual misconduct is one of the most important precautionary measures to be taken against the disease. Always be limited to your spouse. Get HIV screening before donating blood, always insist on using a new blade from the barber. Similarly, a new syringe must always be used when injecting. In addition, if a person in a family, neighborhood or village is diagnosed with HIV / AIDS, then all the people associated with the patient must also get tested. Eat a positive lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep and avoid smoking to keep your immune system strong.
We have a lot of superstitions and assumptions about AIDS, because of which our attitude towards AIDS patients is not good. They are looked upon with hatred and contempt, even avoiding meeting them. Remember, AIDS is spread by shaking hands or hugging, not by eating, drinking and using the patient’s clothing. Patients with this disease should be taken care of and normal relations should be maintained with them. Treat them with a smile that they do not deserve our hatred, attention and sympathy.
It is unfortunate that HIV prevention is not one of our priorities, making AIDS a challenge for the health sector. The government should not only take immediate concrete steps to prevent this, but also provide complete facilities in every city for diagnosis and treatment of the disease.