Karachi ; a panel of endorsed hopefulsfrom the Progressive Korangi Industrial Allianceincluding Niaz Ahmed, Shaikh ZafarIqbal, RehanShafi, K.M. Pervez, Amjad Ullah Khan, AmanAslam and respective others, led by Chief ConvenorMian Zahid Hussain and Deputy ChiefConvenor Khurram Khalil Nanitalwala, arrived atthe office of the Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (KATI) to submit their nomination papersfor the eight posts of the Managing Committee.
On this occasion, the significance of the first-everelections in KATI’s history was observed, and asense of strong representation towards theindustrialists’ side was felt among the presentindividuals.
Mian Zahid Hussain and Khurram Khalil alsovisited KATI’s President Office along with the candidates and met the people present there. Onthis occasion, they expressed hope that thefuture representation of KATI will be carried outby true representatives of the area, and theupcoming elections will see the successful victoryof PKIA-endorsed candidates with aignificantmajority.
In the final analysis, what remains certain is thatthe journey ahead will be defined by ourresponse to the challenges of today-PKIA.