Pakistan – When the video clip of statement of US Ambassador Donald Blome went viral on social media, most Pakistanis went into a frenzy. “Bye Bye China” or “America is taking over Balochistan”, “Grand Indo-US conspiracy”, “Gilgit-Baltistan will become part of India”, blah blah _ad nauseum_.
We at Global Compact Network Pakistan have a project called Business for Peace. If economic prosperity is introduced in the region, then militancy cools down because private sector and those who are employed rein in the militants and force them out.
When KPT operations were given to a foreign company, there was muted protest by Chambers and Associations despite the fact that 90% of trade is through shipping.
Now, when US Ambassador visits Gwadar, naysayers are yelling at the top of their lungs that new East India Company is coming to take over and in the process will commence the Balkanization of Pakistan.
Furthermore, when USAID money flows in, we welcome with wide open arms and deep open pockets.
Moreover, Pakistani entrepreneurs have not been investing in Balochistan. SIFC should plan SEZ for investors from Western countries near Gwadar. This is the time to transform Gwadar into an International city and hub. This is the time to undertake extensive global marketing of Gwadar. This is the time to attract foreign investment in Mining, Fisheries, Agriculture, Information Technology, etc in Balochistan.
So, let the world come and invest in a safe, secure, and facilitating ecosystem. Pakistanis should get out of their self-created cocoon.
(BY : Majyd Aziz).