Throughout Pakistan, as in most agrarian societies social gatherings have a special status and there is evidence that we belong to that period of human evolution when the generation and survival of social gatherings serve as a function of man and his moral and social reformation. Only in modern times are we making the rules and regulations of social gathering somewhat different in today’s life. Incomplete for every religion, nation, civilization and social gathering.
In these social gatherings knowledge, religion, art, music, music and moral training are imparted. Politics, philosophy, literature, and court took place in these social gatherings.
A type of social gathering has come from our daily routine life. For a student, his social gathering is his school where he learns some moral principles and rules along with worldly education. Similar to Ekman’s work on social gathering where not only life situations are considered but new things are learned.
The personal social collective can be defined as, “the social collective of man’s moral reciprocity and his economic life”. But our people and of course the younger generation see it as a matter of indifference and are benefiting from its social gathering and benefits which they see in many different forms. Our people want the people of this social gathering to abide by our political, economic, fundamental and moral rules and regulations and serve our country and nation.