KARACHI- The Late Chairman and C.E.O. of Al Karam Towel Industries and Patron in Chief Pak China Club Played a Vital Role in Investments Between Pakistan and China. Javed Rasheed Asghar Arain President Pak China Club Alongwith Prominent Businessmen Industrialists and Elite of the City of Karachi While Tendering Their Heart Felt Condolence to His Son Rehan Mehtab Chawla Said That the Late Mehtab Udddin Chawla Was a Prominent Socoial Worker Also Carried Out the Welfare and Educational Work as Well as Promoted Sports Activities.
During His Tenure He Played a Vital Role to Establish Friendship Between Pakistan and China From His Pak China Plate Form and Arranged Huge Investments. He Played a Key Role to Strenghten the Business Relations Ship Between Pakistan and China He Enhanced the Trade and Business Activities Between the Two Countries. Late Mehtab Uddin Chawla Was a Active Business Man Industrialists and a Philanthrophists.
The Late Mehtab Uddin Chawla Was a Very Friendly Person as Well as Philanthropists Due to His Death Its Hard to Fill the Vaccum