Showbiz Desk: Indian actress Madhuri Dixit, who has given Bollywood super hits in the past, called 22 years of her married life magical. Madhuri Dixit has shared a beautiful video on social media platform Instagram on the occasion of her 22nd Wedding Anniversary, which was made with the help of various photos of Madhuri and her husband. “22 Magical yeas of togetherness,” the actress wrote in the caption of her post.
On the other side, Madhuri’s husband Dr. Shriram Nene also shared the same video on his Instagram account and also wrote a loving caption for his wife.
Madhuri’s husband wrote to his wife in the caption of his post, “Time flies when you’re having fun and that’s exactly how I feel about the 22 beautiful years that I’ve spent with you. Home is wherever you are and I’m so grateful for the amazing life and home that we have built together.”
Finally, he wrote, “Happy Wedding Anniversary to the most beautiful woman in the universe both inside and out, my soulmate, my MD, and my better half, here’s to many great years ahead”
It should be noted that Indian actress Madhuri Dixit was married to Dr. Shriram Nene in October 17, 1999 and the couple has two children.