A woman’s face is her fortune, and so is any body’s if you look at life. A beautiful / handsome face has lots of good opportunities handed down to them all through life, be it jobs, spouses, and the list just starts right after you are born. Zehra Zahid, born in Saudi become beautician. She runs Xee Beauty in Karachi, has received a lot of fame and appreciation in a very short time due to her amazing beauty services and products. Your face is the first thing people notice, so why not take care of the beautiful gift God has given you. If your skin is good, you are automatically in the ‘beautiful’ bracket. Even if you have acne skin, there are lots of things that you can do to keep the acne down to a minimum. You just have to put in the effort that is required on a daily basis to keep your skin looking fine as it should.

The main thing is that you give yourself the care you require to look the best you can. We put a lot of emphasis on make-up, and that’s fine, but if your skin beneath the make-up is good, you won’t need much and you will look even better with the make-up on. Besides proper night creams, face washes and serums that suit you, the most important thing you can do to look your best is have a Facial.

A good facial boosts your skin’s circulation, prevents blemishes, and gives you a glow from within. Your face looks as appealing without make-up as it would with good light make-up! And that’s how you know you got the right facial. Your Facial expert should give you time and there should not be excessive dragging done by the Facial expert’s hands. Hands should have a gliding motion on your face. You should also not be taking any type of strong medicines or be under any treatment so that you don’t react adversely to anything.
A good specialised Facial according to your skin, along with the right skin care creams, good cleansing, a balanced diet, proper sleep and lots of water are all that you need to look your best, because, you definitely deserve it!