KARACHI – Indeed an honour for ILMA as its Journal of Business Studies (IBTBS) entered the Y category in the HRJS 2021 Listing. This status is conferred upon by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) which assesses the journals on a wide range of parameters. This is a matter of pride for the Faculty of Business Management as it showcases the work of its academicians and scholars through its reputed research journal.
IBTBS recognizes the growing involvement of regional issues in management sciences within the larger context of globalization and international business in scholarly communications. The journal, therefore, aims to provide an opportunity and a forum to communicate relevant and current issues in the area of business management and its allied sciences. The vast scope of the journal includes but is not limited to all the enterprising issues of management in the varied paradigms.
ILMA moves ahead to chart the globalized contexts of business with IBTBS leading the way. The superb research and findings shed light upon the evolving work settings all over the world which help in understanding the perspectives of expanding the economies on an enormous scale.