Atlanta: Professor Nadeem Qamar from the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases Presented the novel chest pain Unit Program instituted at NICVD since 2017 at the 75th annual American College of Cardiology meeting at Atlanta. This is the most prestigious scientific meeting with the largest gathering of cardiovascular specialists from across the world. He presented the data at the late breaking science session, reserved for the most impactful research globally.
Professor Qamar highlighted the instrumental role of such novel units in expediting Heart Attack Care and its global impact. He highlighted the importance of the free of cost Primary Angioplasty program that has revolutionized Heart Attack Care and the generous support of the government of Sindh.
The entire cardiology community with the presence of most renowned cardiologist from all over the world appreciated NICVD’s Chest Pain Unit program and emphasized that other countries with similar problems should follow the NICVD model.