World is ever changing and will go on changing, Atom bomb changed the world there after Economic power started ruling the world & once again 9/11 shattered the world now it is
new world order of COVID-19 which is ruining the mankind.
Social values are taking new dimensions & we have to move quickly with changing times instead waiting for a better time infect we must make our present time better & productive & promote regional trade, Industry, Investment, Tourism, friendship to achieve economic prosperity to and consolidate friendship & understanding to defeat all & present COVID challenges especially in the SAARC region.
1) SAARC Regional trade must be increased to save member countries from the losses of COVID-19.
2) Digital Technology must be adopted and freely introduced in the SAARC region to promote E Commerce. SAARC Chamber should organise webinars to introduce latest tools of Digital technology to promote business,exports, investment and tourism. All members must establish E Commerce gate away linking each other.
3) To promote the trade & business in region we must share a common list of products so that member countries may purchase from each other to promote industry and generate employment to reduce poverty we need to
achieve trade volume from 7% to at least 25% share of the world trade.
4) Digital Bank must be established in SAARC region to promote E Commerce & Trade this may be a way forward linking world trade to achieve prosperity.
5) To cement our friendship in the region we must establish a CORONA HEALTH PLATFORM to fight this unprecedented challenge combined and hold monthly webinars.
6) SAARC countries must open their borders for free trade and support each other, through best practices of customs and clearing of goods be introduced with easy procedures and digital technology may be introduced for inspection and clearance of goods for speedy and fast trade between all SAARC countries.Transit trade can do wonders among SAARC countries.
7) Tourism is a rich heritage of SAARC countries & all members are proud of their spiritual and religious honors & sharing with each other for the last hundreds of years now we must establish our air links to connect best religious spots so that people may travel meet each other to become more friends. SAARC chatter already provides 15% discount on traveling and linking THREE SAARC destinations.
8) Communications must be made easy to promote man to man contact for promoting trade and business. Mobile applications must be opened for promoting E Commerce technology, Banking, clearance of goods and many more options of human needs.
9) SAARC countries must take full advantage of their demographic situation linking half of the world especially Central Asian Estates and Gulf countries for routing their trade and also promoting SAARC trade being the shortest route linking to all these countries with the world. Gawadr sea port is world biggest & deepest port to trade & transit commodities all over the world
At the end I like to say that : SAARC is the best region in the world we must not waste any more time to save our generations.
AMB: Rehmatullah Javed Founder Secretary General & mission chief SAARC chamber