By: Zahid H. Karani.
Uzbekistan : These days important political processes are taking place in Uzbekistan. A new parliament has been formed following the results of the recent elections. On November 20, a meeting of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (Parliament) was held to consider the candidacy of Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The session was chaired by Speaker of the Legislative Chamber Nuriddin Ismoilov.
In accordance with Article 94 of the updated Constitution, consideration and approval of the candidacy of Prime Minister is the exclusive authority of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis. According to Article 118, the candidacy of the Prime Minister is submitted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In this regard, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed the meeting.
– In today’s challenging conditions, the responsibility for fulfillment of strategic and current tasks facing our country, especially at the level of all links of the executive branch, the government and its head, has never been greater. Today our people are expecting concrete results from the new government, – Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
Firstly, the Head of State dwelt on the implementation of programs over the past five years. During this period, the country’s economy has doubled and exceeded the historic milestone of $100 billion. Per capita income is expected to reach 3 thousand dollars.
Exports have almost doubled, exceeding $25 billion for the first time, and foreign exchange reserves have exceeded $40 billion. The volume of absorbed foreign investments increased 6 times, which allowed creating 1.5 million high-paid jobs.
Over the past three years, 10 large solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of 2.7 million kilowatt-hours have been put into operation. The share of alternative energy has tripled since last year.
Preschool enrollment exceeded 74 percent and higher education enrollment exceeded 39 percent. Inson centers have been opened in all regions, where on-site social workers provide more than 100 social services.
The “Uzbekistan – 2030” strategy sets a goal of reaching a gross domestic product of $160 billion. Thanks to the mobilization of all opportunities, this figure is expected to reach $110 billion this year.
If this pace is maintained, by 2030 our country’s economy may reach $200 billion. This will be the basis for a drastic increase in the standard of living and quality of life of the population.
In particular, it will be possible to increase per capita income by more than 5 thousand dollars, to reduce poverty to 5 percent, to introduce a social insurance system for the needy, to double spending on health care, to cover all citizens with health insurance and guaranteed medical care, to build 150 thousand units of modern housing annually. The Head of State outlined the most important areas of work.
First, it is necessary to maintain macroeconomic balance and ensure economic growth rates at the level of 6-7 percent in the next five years. At the same time, inflation should be 5-6 percent, budget deficit – no more than 3 percent, and the volume of annual lending – 30 billion dollars.
Second, the objective of the Cabinet’s economic package is to lift 1 million people out of poverty in 2025. By 2030, the unemployment rate should not exceed the internationally recommended 5-6 percent.
Third, in order to grow the economy and incomes, special attention should be paid to high value-added industries. The investment complex of the Cabinet of Ministers should realize more than 300 large projects significant for the economy next year. It is also important to reliably provide the economy with energy resources and double energy efficiency.
Fourth, one of the key tasks remains to increase the share of the private sector in the economy to 85 percent in the next five years. For this purpose, it is necessary to sell state stakes in 2 thousand enterprises, over 5 thousand real estate objects, as well as to place shares of 16 large complexes through IPO. The government should implement public-private partnership projects worth $30 billion.
Fifth, ensuring food security will remain one of the most urgent tasks. The government should ensure the implementation of programs in this area, increase production in agriculture by 1.3 times and bring the average income per hectare to 5 thousand dollars.
Tasks to improve the quality of education, health care, sports and social services were also outlined.
The President emphasized the importance of cooperation between the government and parliament to achieve these goals.
First of all, it is necessary to bring the activities of the executive authorities even closer to the people. Control over the implementation of laws should be carried out jointly with the specialized committees of both chambers of the Oliy Majlis and responsible executive bodies.
The government, ministries, agencies and regional leaders should systematically cooperate with committees of the lower house in solving problems identified by deputies in the field. In this regard, an initiative was put forward to introduce a new system, according to which the reports of state inspectorates exercising control in various spheres will be discussed in the committees of the Legislative Chamber.
It was noted that parliamentary control is, first of all, “the control of the people, the request of the people”. It was emphasized that all leaders should be fully aware of their responsibility and obligations in this direction.
The head of state also drew attention to the need to expand international cooperation and deepen regional interaction with the nearest neighbors. In this regard, he noted the need to adopt a new version of the Foreign Policy Concept.
It was stressed that the development of effective and systemic ties with Central Asian countries, other leading partners, as well as with authoritative international and regional organizations and financial institutions should always be in the focus of attention.
In this difficult period, special importance is attached to protecting the independence and sovereignty of our State, as well as the peaceful and free life of our people. In this regard, attention will be intensified to strengthening the combat and moral potential of the Armed Forces. Great opportunities will be directed to educating young people with up-to-date knowledge and professional skills.
– Today, only a state with such advanced young people, such dedicated intellectuals and people united on the path of prosperity of the Motherland will be able to ensure its national interests, – said the Head of State.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented the candidacy of Abdulla Aripov for the post of Prime Minister of Uzbekistan.
Abdulla Aripov presented the Action Program of the Cabinet of Ministers for the short- and long-term perspectives.
During the discussion of the candidacy and the program, the heads of factions of political parties and deputies expressed their opinions.
As a result of secret ballot, the candidacy of Abdulla Aripov for the post of Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved. The Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis adopted a decision on this issue.
At the end of the meeting, priority directions of work for the next year were discussed.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev proposed to declare 2025 in our country “The Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy”. Important tasks in this direction have been outlined.
– Today we are entering a completely new stage of development of our country. I am confident that this will be a period of rapid development of our New Uzbekistan, conquering even higher heights of progress. This stage will go down in history as a time of forming exemplary traditions in the work of parliament and government, based on devoted service to our people, – concluded the President.