Despite questions regarding the canceling of the show, the citizens of Karachi flocked to the much awaited summer feature. The halls were abuzz with beautiful handmade crafts, illustrations by local artists, gifts made by children with special needs, and a plethora of items especially prepared for the one day event.
Crafts over the last several years have evolved, and a prime reason for this is the presence of awareness through annual shows organized by Firefly and The Crafter’s Guild.
Visitors explore new finds, acquire items best fit to their taste, and stock up on souvenirs; all the while supporting local makers and their stories.
This year a morning cake cutting ceremony inaugurated the anniversary show. A moment of silence in prayer was held by all guests and participants to pay respect to victims of the recent tragedy in Quetta.
The show had generous support from Day Fresh, Naurus (Chatkhaar), MOCCA, along with The HQ and
This year’s show also welcomed diversity and support for artisans and craftsmen from varying backgrounds. The community, surely carries contagious energy to celebrate Happiness is Handmade.
Guild Award recepients include Ghazal Pirzada Creative Studios, Holly Dove’s Secrets, and BLOCK ART. The named have put forth incredulous collections this year and have been most enthusiastic in their approach to the show.
Varah Musavvir, founder of The Crafter’s Guild and Firefly shares that these shows are an amazing plarform for anyone who wishes to dedicate one day to themselves and their creative talents. It is here, where one identifies purpose and finds belonging. Numerous crafters come with their stories, each unique and significant. No other city celebrates local creatives with the same fervor as Karachi.