Syed Farooq Shah CEO of Hasnain Enterprises is nominated for Secretary of Information in Youth Parliament Sindh Cabinet Elections 2019. Which is going to be held at Arts Council of Pakistan, Karachi on Sunday 28th April 2019His Voter Code is 8A.
Now some of the people have a question in their minds that What actually Youth Parliament is ???
Youth Parliament is an organization founded by Mr. Rizwan Jaffar on 14 August 2005 with a mission to bring Youth at one platform, to motivate and achieve various goals in their lives. This is the First ever Youth Parliament in the history of Pakistan, having a grand youth membership volunteer network mandates to meaningfully involve young people at each and every level of program and policy development across Pakistan, with provincial organizational network in Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, KPK, FATA, Islamabad, Gilgit Baltistan, Azad Jammu & Kashmir and also International Representatives & organizational network in different countries of the world.
After a continuous struggle of 12 years now Youth Parliament has achieved the status of “The Biggest Youth Platform” in Pakistan. Youth Parliament has a record that they have done more than 1000 programs/events/activities/TV Shows that no other organization have done till yet, Youth Parliament have a record of keeping more than 1 lac youth engaged directly & physically with them, youth now have got not only their recognition but also found a platform to launch activities for ensuring rights of youth. A way to youth empowerment has been provided through youth engagement.More than 6.000 youth members in one time working on different projects.More than 40 cities of Pakistan are connected through Youth Parliament.More than 300 eminent Politicians, Bureaucrats, Artists, Thinkers, Economist, Social Activists, Media Persons, Intellectuals, Policy Makers, Lawyers, Educationists, Business tycoons and Youth Activists have chosen Youth Parliament as the changing catalyst.Millions of people got awareness on the issues of Pakistan through Youth Parliament TV Shows as a result social interactions have been increased many fold.Thousands of female youth has got a platform to raise voice for their rights.
Youth Parliament organize, create & participated in lot of International, National & Regional Youth events, TV Shows, campaigns & projects from 2005 to today, because of these services for the Youth of Pakistan, Youth Parliament achieved National Volunteer Award 2008 & Sindh Volunteer Award 2009.
Main Objectives are:
PLATFORM OF YOUTH FROM DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS.ENGAGING YOUTH FOR NATION BUILDING.NURSERY OF CREATING LEADERS/POLITICIANS.BRIDGE BETWEEN YOUTH & GOVERNMENT/OFFICIAL AUTHORITIES.Youth Parliament Projects & CampaignsJadeed Pakistan TehreekSchool of Future Leaders – SFLYouth Parliament Legislative CouncilYouth Parliament Debate Council – YPDCYouth Parliament Professionals Forum – YPPFYouth Parliament Scouts Group – YPSGYouth Vision Pakistan-2030FIT Road Safety CampaignCity Thinkers Forum – CTFCampus DriveYP TVYouth Parliament Media CellYouth Representative Club on Climate ChangeYouth Arts CouncilYouth Parliament Engineering CouncilYouth Parliament Medical CouncilYouth Parliament Lawyers ForumYouth Parliament Career Guidance CouncilYouth Disaster Management Training ProgramYouth ICON PanelPeaceful PakistanYouth-Ambassador of PeacePRIDE – Pakistan Research Institute of Development & EntrepreneurshipSTEP – Solution Towards Entrepreneur ProjectsYouth Media Awareness Campaign on Local GovernmentStreet Children VoiceYouth VoteYouth Parliament SHOPYouth Parliament Discount CardYouth Focus Group on National Energy CrisesYouth Sports & Recreation GroupYouth Parliament Interfaith Harmony CouncilKarachi Ki Baat – TV ShowAnnual EventsYouth Parliament Dialogue SessionsYouth Parliament ConventionsYouth Parliament SummitsOath Taking Ceremonies of Cabinet MembersYouth Parliament Cabinet ElectionYouth Road Safety ConferenceScouts Friendship CampNYF – National Youth ForumYLC – Youth Leadership ConferenceFLC – Future Leaders ConferenceYouth Parliament Debate ContestCOY Pakistan – Conference of Youth on Climate ChangeYouth Awareness Seminar on Environment EducationYouth National Energy ConferenceYouth Disaster Management WorkshopYouth Public Speaking SummitYouth Parliament Delegation VisitsYouth Parliament TV shows