Chinese experts, after researching millions of people for seven consecutive years, have said that whether or not coffee contains sugar, it can make a difference in longevity. Sugar coffee in particular has been shown to have good health effects, which is a surprising result and needs further research.

Scientists at China’s Southern Medical University have collected data on 171,000 adults from the British Biobank and studied them for seven years. It has been found that drinking one and a half to three and a half cups of sugary coffee a day reduces the risk of premature death by 31% and the death rate of those who drink coffee without sugar can be reduced by 21%.
All the participants in the survey were away from heart disease and cancer and were apparently healthy. However, they were specifically asked about drinking coffee and this process continued for seven years.
Overall, those who drank sugar-free coffee had a 16 to 21 percent lower mortality rate during this period, while those who drank sugar-free coffee had a surprisingly low mortality rate of 31 percent. However, these people used to drink from two and a half cups of coffee to three and a half cups of coffee daily.
However, experts said that people in the survey said that they used very little sugar in coffee, but more research is needed.