Karachi: Board of Intermediate Education Karachi has taken the initiative in respect of E-marking and SLO based assessment and arrange a one day symposium with the most senior professors and assessors at Government Sir Syed Girls College Karachi with the collaboration of AFAQ from 9:30am to 4:30pm.
In this one day symposium there are hundreds of professors of physics, chemistry, botany zoology, computer science and other subject expert participated and encouraged the efforts of Board of Intermediate Education Karachi and paying regards to Dr. Saeeduddin Chairman Board of Intermediate education Karachi for his vision and quality efforts.
The purpose of the Symposium is to given the information and knowledge to professors about SLO based examination and E-marking features is and how it beneficial and helpful to the students for their career and future.
All the professors’ shows prime interest in this symposium and encourage the efforts of Chairman BIEK to introducing latest methodology of examination and also introducing technology of E-Marking. Board of Intermediate Education Karachi is very much interested to conduct these sorts of workshops & symposiums for students and professors every month and would like the increase the level of Quality Education make more transparent marking or assessment through technological era.
Dr. Saeeduddin Chairman BIEK hopes that this sort of workshops make some positive impacts on the society and will increase the quality of assessment and tilt the approach of students to understand the subject and its knowledge sets conceptually which is the demand and requirement of market today.