Karachi-October 24: Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) has recently announced the result of interview of qualified candidates for the post of Municipal Officer (BPS-17), Local Government Department vide its press release No. PSC/Exam (S.S)/2023/500 dated 19-10-2023 after complying all required formalities as prescribed under its statutes. However, SPSC observes with deep regret the malicious campaign/allegations launched on social media by some undesirable elements for the reasons best known to them. Furthermore, said allegations are not supported by any evidence or substance. Merely posting pictures of few people with political figures doesn’t substantiate any cause of action as every citizen of Pakistan has a right of free movement and freedom of speech provided it is evidence based and not contrary to the norms of civilized society and best practices.
It is clarified for the information of the General public that 105,748 candidates had appeared in the written test of Municipal Officer (BPS-17) conducted by SPSC out of which 1,440 passed the written test (1.36%). Moreover, out of 1,440 candidates who were called for the interview only 418 meritorious candidates who secured maximum marks in the aggregate (Written as well as Interview) have been declared successful (29%). It would be pertinent to mention here that 46 vacancies have been left vacant, as suitable candidates were not found by the high-powered Interview Committee. This speaks volumes about that transparent and fair mechanism in place in SPSC.
SPSC takes pride in informing the general public that 82 candidates who have been recommended for the post of Municipal Officer have also passed the written test of Town Officer. Similarly, 72 successful candidates besides above-referred 82 candidates (who had qualified written tests of both Municipal Officer and Town Officer) had qualified the written test of IBA, Sukkur for the posts of JEST/PST of School Education Department.
The Sindh Public Service Commission also accentuates that approximately 5,000 candidates have been declared successful/recommended during last 12 months against various posts of Lecturers / Subject Specialists / Doctors / Surgeons / Range Forest Officers / Nursing Instructors / Staff Nurse / Assistant Account Officers etc., to the Government of Sindh after meticulously following its procedures and results based on prudence, fairness, transparency and meritocracy.
SPSC strongly condemns in all forms and manifestations baseless allegations leveled by some individuals / social media groups to malign a Constitutional Institution for their vested interests. SPSC further resolves that it would not concede to the negative baseless propaganda and would conduct written tests / interviews as per their mandate by ensuring fairness, transparency, meritocracy and above all without any fear or favor.