According to details, Mian Shahbaz Sharif went to the residence of senior politician Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain to meet him where he discussed the situation in the country and Punjab with the former Prime Minister. Political observers are calling the meeting very important in the context of Punjab province.
In this regard, Hum News has informed the sources that Federal Minister Chaudhry Salik Hussain, Provincial Minister Malik Ahmed and Chaudhry Shafi Hussain were also present in the meeting between the two leaders.
Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain had recently stated that Chaudhry Pervez Elahi would be his candidate in the election of Punjab Chief Minister and he had not nominated Hamza Shahbaz, son of the Prime Minister and Chief Minister of Punjab, as his candidate.
It may be recalled that Chaudhry Wajahat Hussain, brother of Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain, had recently leveled serious allegations against the sons of the former Prime Minister.