Pakistan is a great country with huge number of business houses & thousands of manufacturing units which also includes multi nationals organisations generating exports 50% of exports of Pakistan.These units are contributing a major share of national tax structure and helping maintain GDP of desired that these business houses also must support more to promote !made in Pakistan! & enhance exports to reduce reliance on imports. Growing jobs must be the main aim of these entrepreneurs. 5.3 millions SMEs of Pakistan needs special attention & conformation as !Engine of Growth! who are contributing almost 25% of our national exports but high bank mark up and high cost of gas and energy is raising the cost & ease of doing business for SMEs. Home based small units in these golden triangle cities of Sialkot,Gujrat & Gujranwala are completely shut & employment problems are increasing.In fact these families are in great problems to live alive,Tax and energy bills with banks loans be deferred for two years. Agriculture is also the ultimate strength of Pakistan which must be given due importance for more food by using hybrid technologies with latest Agri machineries and other inputs.Government must announce a reward scheme for those who increase their yield because our standard yield is 70 Monds an acre where as nest door country is getting 130 Monds an acre.Lands are waiting for the farmers but they are sitting in assemblies doing politics. Rules of the games must be changed and those who cultivate lands must be the owners of these lands otherwise we may not become self sufficient in our food requirement and go on importing grain of billions of dollars every year. We must fix our targets in this regards.Let us work hard day & night to earn more & give top priority to pay off our debits for ecnomic prosperity & self reliance of Pakistan.