Karachi – It is surprising that under compliance of existing highest Electricity Tariff Rates, Low Industrial Growth, Influenced Commercial Sector, Pressurized Categories of Consumers including Household, Rs. 7.50 per Unit Hike in basic Power Tariff has been newly formulated to implement said ateeq ur rahman (economic & financial analyst).
This jump of almost 35% increase in tariff per unit will force like 60% of Job losses by Default of Industrial and Manufacturing Sector of the country.
Moreover , the household which was already under stress of a highest tax paid electricity cost will therefore not be able to pay the exorbitant upcoming bills of electricity thus aggravating the agony of Middle Class and a Common man. Previously for them the Electricity Bills were more than their earnings or salaries, therefore now under the new circumstances, they will not be able to pay by their own personal sources or even by borrowing of such enormously calculated bills . Such the unexpected situation of meeting the payment of bills with bunch of fierce numbers will be impossible said ateeq.
Everyone appreciates that the country has been saved from default but a middle class and a common is at the verge of default due to such massively calculated bills inclusive of electricity charges, with fuel adjustment charges, additional fuel surcharges, electricity duty, sales tax , further tax , extra tax , income tax, tv fees, etc will definitely default middle class and a common man.
He added that it is a common practice all over the world that consumption of more Units, consequently have lower rates but here it is contrary “More Units, Higher the Slabs hence higher the Rates”.
The Authorities are requested to reverse the proposed hike in basic power tariff in the better interest of Middle Class and a Common Man, which comprised of main component of the Local Population.