An increase in energy tariff will affect the cost of doing business and the industry is already facing multiple fundamental challenges. The cost of energy must be controlled by reducing transmission line losses & distribution losses. Energy bills pending must be recovered and no one would get free energy. Circular debt is going out of control due to multiple reasons for nonpayment of loans.
Government-run industrial units are creating artificial war among real industries. These government-run white elephant companies are using free energy in the name of adjustment & are the major cause to increase in energy tariffs which are killing the common citizens of Pakistan. Government must sell off these units to the private sector to get revenue. Most of the retired officials are working in these units and enjoying luxurious life with handsome salaries plus pensions at the cost of a Pakistani living below the poverty line. We can only become self-reliant when the economy gets a leading role in the country.
About 2000 government officials performed HAJJ on government accounts 5.3million SMEs are contributing a great deal of GDP and exporting a big figure almost 30% of our nation’s exports. We must respect and support our SMEs. Overseas Pakistanis must be given due respect for their love of Pakistan.
Overseas Pakistanis have the strength to turn the table overnight to change the fate of Pakistan. Embassies of Pakistan can play a friendly role with these Pakistanis. Economic zones seem to turn into residential areas or commercial zones which may be a great loss of Pakistan’s industrial strength.DGTO orders for elections are not clear and need clarification.
Higher courts have already given the verdict that these DGTO orders are wrong but the act of trade bodies approved by the National Assembly is still pending in the cabinet waiting for approval and clarification of rules.
Hope these are approved by the cabinet before govt goes out so that trade bodies and chambers may continue to work smoothly.