Pakistan – 29 December, 2023- In a Heartwarming Collaboration, Cheezious and Ideas
Foundation Join Forces to Bring Joy and Laughter to SOS Village Children with the “Smile for a
While 2024″ Campaign. The event aims to raise funds for the children of SOS village.
Ideas Foundation has long been at the forefront of advocating for the well-being of children and
inspiring positive actions within society. By teaming up with Cheezious, a brand known for its
commitment to social responsibility, the two entities aimed to spread ‘cheezy khushiyan’ among
the young residents of SOS Village.

The event was a resounding success, filled with engaging activities designed to bring smiles to
the faces of the children. The event was filled with fun activities, captivating music
performances, soul-stirring qawali, interactive poetry sessions, and a winter wonderland-themed
decor which created a magical atmosphere. Cheezious also provided food to all the kids &
Zohaib Hassan, Head of Marketing at Cheezious, expressed that, “Service to humanity is a virtue
that will be surely rewarded, and we must put our step forward in doing well for society.
Happiness is doubled when it is shared, and spreading these ‘cheezy khushiyan’ among the kids
of SOS is a joy to watch. Our collaboration with Ideas Foundation reflects our shared
commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it the most.”
The event not only provided a platform for entertainment but also highlighted the importance of
corporate social responsibility and community engagement. Cheezious and Ideas Foundation
look forward to future collaborations that will continue to make a positive difference in the lives
of children and contribute to building a better society.