‘Catwalk Cares – Pakistan’s first ever virtual fashion week – also includes 18 veteran and supernova models including four celebrity show stopper. Sarwat Gilani. MikaalZulfqar, Kiran Malik and Ayesha Omer who make up the crème da la crème of the Pakistani entertainment and modelling worlds.
TV, Film Actress and Activist SARWAT GILANI who will be showcasing the creations of minimalist designer SONYA BATTLA has a stoic message about the front-liners:
Posted by Sarwat Gilani on Friday, January 31, 2020
Sarwat Gillani says “During the lockdown the front-liners have actually honoured and stood by the oath they took when graduating either to become a doctor, a nurse or a police officer. It is incredible to see them fight this pandemic together standing in front of its face not caring about their own health but just wanting to save their patients’ lives. They are actually superheroes. It only takes super-powers to do something so selflessly”
“ The ‘Catwalk Cares’’ initiative is a great step forward in this ‘New World Order’; whomever adapts to change is going to be at an advantage, The virtual fashion week is a great way for the entire fraternity to get together for a such beautiful cause! The show must go on! Kudos to Catwalk Cares!”
“I think Sonya and I always choose one another because I encapsulate the essence of her fashion ethos of “less is more” that is essentially my style. We both understand how important it is to come across as effortlessly elegant I think I carry that less is more style very comfortably”
SONYA BATTLA says,“Sarwat Gilani is a favourite because of her personal elegance. She has always been our label’s muse.”
“The Virtual Fashion Week; a Catwalk Care initiative is a source of awareness and adaptability to the changing demands of today. The celebration of front-line workers who are mostly hidden from our view as they work in hospitals and on roads is at the heart of this initiative. It’s a small thank you to them from the fashion industry.”