KARACHI – Consul General of the Sultanate of Oman, Engineer Sami Abdullah Salim Al Khanjari, said that he is happy that the commercial hub Karachi city also has international-style hospitals with modern facilities and experienced staff, and it is located in Clifton, Consul General was talking with media after he visited the hospital. On this occasion, First Secretary Abdullah Juma Abdullah Al Harabi, Chairman of Altamash Group Professor Dr. Muhammad Altamash, and Administrator of the hospital Dr. Munir Ahmed were also present. They were warmly welcomed, while the distinguished guests were also given a tour of the different departments of the hospital.

The Omani diplomat added that I have visited other hospitals in Clifton, but Altamash Hospital impressed me the most, this hospital is equipped with all the modern medical facilities because there are medical specialists as well as paramedics. He has also found the medical staff to be diligent, he said that it has been a few months since I have been posted in Karachi and I have visited Hospitals with other departments as well as medical facilities, but I am very impressed with it.

Altamash General Hospital. On this occasion, Dr. Munir Ahmad said that Altamash Hospital has a ten-story building, and has expert doctors in every field so that all facilities can be available to the patients under one roof. He said that the hospital became operational only 4 years ago. It has been a year, but Altamash Hospital has started to be considered one of the best and top hospitals, later the Consul General of Oman made a detailed visit to all the departments of the hospital and also met Dr. Shahina Altamash, CEO of Altamash Group