Certain news has been surfacing that Anti-Corruption Directorate has ordered an inquiry on CBD Punjab. In this regard, the spokesperson of CBD Punjab has said that the Lahore Central Business District Development Authority (LCBDDA) also known as Central Business District Punjab (CBD Punjab) was established as an act of parliament with an aim of economic development in the province of Punjab.
The management of CBD Punjab has always ensured that all the projects of the authority are impartial and in accordance with the law. The land put up for the auctions was legally title-transferred to the Authority and all the requirements for the auction of 12 mixed commercial plots so far were met without any contradiction or any hidden facts and figures.
If & when the authority does receive any official letter from the anti-corruption directorate, the authority shall respect it and will provide complete records and data accordingly. All major projects of CBD Punjab have proved to be milestones in Punjab’s economic development and have also improved Pakistan’s economic image on the global economic map.
In a short span of time, CBD Punjab has achieved a significant benefit to the national exchequer by securing an investment of approx. Rs. 60 billion through two open auctions which ensured transparency. The confidence of domestic and international investors in CBD Punjab is a clear demonstration of the authority’s transparency and commitment to national development.