CHITRAL: Peshawar Chitral highway widening and repair work has been started by
National Highway Authority (NHA). the construction and repair of these roads will make
travel easier for local people and tourists, on the other hand it will also reduce the rate of
accident after construction of these roads, there was a wave of happiness among the
people of the area.

Roads play a key role in the development of any region or country. Chitral is a tourist district
where every year Brughal, Qaqalisht, Shandoor festival is held as well as various annual
religious festivals also organizing by Kailash tribe. Tourists from all over the world, including
Pakistan, come here every year to see the unique culture and unique festivals of Kailas
community. But every tourist who comes here has one complaint that the roads of Chitral are
very rough. The roads should be improved so that these tourists do not face while they
travelling on these roads.
From Ziarat to Ishrit near Lowari Tunnel, the work on the road has been left unfinished by
NHA for many years, the commuters have to face a lot of hardships. However, now the
National Highway Authority has started the construction and repair work on the main
highway of Peshawar Chitral through Pasban Contractors, which caused a wave of
happiness among the local people. The road will be quite wide upto 40 feet. The opening
and necessary repairs of these roads will not only make it easier for local people and tourists
to travel, but it will also reduce the ratio of accidents. Bibi Shakra, a woman councillor from
Drosh, says that the construction and repair of these roads women can be easily rushed to
the hospital while earlier that they deliver babies or die on the road before reaching hospital.
Engineer Zeeshanul Haque also thanked the NHA for opening and repairing these roads,
which will also promote the tourism of Chitral.
Abdul Qadir, Chairman of Village Council Drosh Bazar, has described it as very important for
promotion of tourism. He says that when the repair work of these roads will complete, it will
be easy for people to come and go, as well as it will also promote our tourism
Along with the black topping of the Peshawar Chitral road, concrete work is being done for
the first time on the shoulders on both sides of road by transit mixer machine, which will not
only ensure the safety of this road, but also the vehicles cam be easily overtake or crossing
each other as a result the rate of accidents will also be reduced.
By Gul Hamaad Farooqi