KARACHI – The ceremony was graced by the presence of President & CEO BankIslami – Syed Amir Ali and CDC CEO – Mr. Badiuddin Akber along with other key officials of both the organizations. Islamic Banking and its products were mainly part of the discussion, President & CEO BankIslami – Syed Amir Ali enlightened CDC about Bank’s innovative products and services especially “BankIslami’s One Touch Banking”. He also appreciated the CDC initiative for implementing e-payments and digitization of payment mechanism viz “Efficient Payment Mechanism” and said that this overall proposition will add efficiency to subject payments.
Sitting from Left to Right: Mr. Abdul Samad – Chief Operating Officer- CDC, Mr. Badiuddin Akber – CEO CDC, Syed Amir Ali – CEO BankIslami, Mr. Shahzad Kazmi, Head of Corporate Banking- BankIslami
On the other hand, CEO CDC – Mr. Badiuddin Akber congratulated BankIslami on being the first Shariah Compliant Bank to integrate and implement “Efficient Payment Mechanism”. He displayed full confidence in BankIslami for a mutually beneficial business relationship that would add value to the CDC payments being done on behalf of Asset Management Companies (AMCs).
Sitting from Left to Right: Mr. Abdul Samad – Chief Operating Officer- CDC, Mr.BadiuddinAkber – CEO CDC, Syed Amir Ali – CEO BankIslami, Mr. ShahzadKazmi, Head of Corporate Banking- BankIslami
Standing Back from Left to Right: Mr. Muhammad Kamran Allahuddin – Manager Trustee & Custodian Services-CDC, Mr. Atiqur Rehman – Head of Trustee & Custodial Services-CDC, Mr. Touseef Ahmed Abbasi, Section Head Cash Management- BankIslami, Mr. Muhammad Umair Khatri, Unit Head Cash Management- BankIslami.