Karachi – Extra Ordinary increase in the Electricity Charges has become a menace for a common man and industry, alike said ateeq ur rehman (economic & financial analyst).
The Electricity Charges with additional charges in the Consumer’s Bill is growing day by day. It has become a routine matter without any relief.
If we look at the bill the charges have been assorted in different categories like Variable Charges, Uniform Quarterly Adjustment (with various periodicals), Additional Surcharge, Electricity Duty, Sales Tax, Further Tax, Extra Tax and Income Tax said ateeq.
Moreover, the rates exorbitantly increase with the change in slabs, thus the total bill becomes hefty and unbearable to pay.
He added that it is crisis like situation, electricity normally takes up to 30% to 40% of an average household’s income, further in such high cost of daily use essential items, inflated consumer goods the life has become more miserable. The options are rare either pay the electricity bills or feed the children. Certainly this is raising depression and poverty level in the country, more and more people are getting marginalized day by day.
When such payments are crucial to the level of somebody’s economic survival. The common man is increasingly worried that these electricity payments which are swallowing a significant percentage of personal income.
The more critical situation is when someone is unable to pay the monthly / heavy electricity bills the consequences are twofold, one penalty will be imposed in shape of due date charges and secondly electricity connection is disconnected.
There has to be a relief but not enforced on electricity respectable consumers.