Jamshoro : Shaheed Allah Buksh Soomro (SABS) University of Art,
Design and Heritages Jamshoro organized a three days workshop on Sindh Public
Procurement Rules (SPPR) on September 13-15, 2023. The workshop was conducted
by Deputy Director Finance SABS and Certified Procurement Specialist Asif Ali Shar
and was attended by chairmen, faculty and staff members.

The workshop proved
helpful to enrich the skills of faculty and staff members regarding procurement
process. The attendees were given information regarding maintenance of record,
procurement of goods, works and related services of procurement planning, methods
of procurement, notification and advertisements, pre-qualification and dis-
qualification of suppliers and contractors, redressal of grievances and settlement of
disputes, opening, evaluation and rejection of bids, acceptance of bids and award of
procurement contracts, procuring consulting services and public private partnership
projects. The workshop lasted for three days.